Your company already invested in your webpage with a booking engine, but do you want to extend the range of travel products on your webpage?
We can provide you with the entire Multireisen Flight products to your existing platform!
Multireisen Flight Products includes 900+ airlines, including low-cost carriers, covering 6,500+ airports
You can have access to all this flights inventory, for:
- Absolutely NO monthly fees!
- NO Setup / licensing costs, as long as you fulfill the following 2 criteria:
- API Flights integration must be completed in 30 days by your IT team
- Your company should generate a total volume of 150.000€ in 12 months, in terms of the booking value
The process will run as follows:
- Your company will sign the REST API Flight agreement with Multireisen
- You will send us the tech form, with the details
- Our IT team will be granted the access to you in our development system, including all documentation, and they will start the API integration process, and complete it in less than 30 days
- You will send a bank transfer of a minimum operational deposit for bookings
- Upon completion, your team will run test bookings (on the Development platform) + 1 live booking
- After all quality checks are approved, you will have live access to all Multireisen flight inventory on your webpage.
We invite you to take this chance and enrich your flight content under your own brand name, Rest Flight API connection.
The Rest API Flights
- Quick & easy API integration
- Global fares
- 900 Airlines +
- 250 Low-cost carriers
- NDC Airlines
Flight API Documentation
Flight Rest API for Mobile Apps
For simple applications where you don't need to download the full search result and you don't have other source of data. You display search results to your customers on demand with paging and filtering option using requests.
Flight Rest API for Servers (recommended for most users)
For more complex applications where you need to download the complete search result as fast as possible. You may have other source of data and you display results to your customers from you own combined resultlist.
Boking flow: Rest_API_Flight_Booking_flow.pdf
You can find our test cases in UAT_booking_cases_FlightAPI.xlsx. Please do the test bookings and fill it. When you are done, create a ticket in Dev Help Desk menu and upload the filled out excel sheet as an attachment and we can check it.